Tag Archives: Holy Spirit


4th July 2021

In a recent BBC documentary on the UK’s Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, his sister revealed that as a child, whenever Boris was asked what he wanted to be, he replied “World King.” The documentary suggests this wasn’t a childish whim; with Churchill as model, Boris Johnson did seek greatness.

Shakespeare in his comedy “Twelfth Night” has this thought: “Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.” Boris Johnson wasn’t born great; greatness wasn’t thrust upon him; but he wants to achieve greatness. Whether he does – history will tell.

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Living Water


I am just beginning to understand the Northern Irish Summer. I have noticed that the sun is definitely shy and evasive; the rain is not! In a place where water from the sky is greeted with stony glares and angry muttering, it is difficult to get excited about “Living Water”. Not when it drips on us throughout the year, flows from our taps, wets our gardens, dampens our dogs, and soaks our lives.

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