Tag Archives: Cost

The Cost

12 July 2015

A Sri Lankan friend told me about a chauffeur she hired. He was confident and drove well on the test drive. But a few days later, careering and swerving madly in the chaotic city traffic he was clearly out of his depth. He then confessed he had only driven on country roads and not for ten years. He was well-intentioned, but completely unrealistic about the demands of modern city driving, and totally unprepared for the reality.

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The Cost of Following Jesus

30th June

We all know the pitfall of extravagant promises. There is a story I think of when I read about the three men who wanted to follow Christ: A young man very much in love emailed his girlfriend a card that said “I would cross the hottest desert, swim the deepest sea, and climb the highest mountain to be with you.” At the bottom of the message was a PS: “It is raining heavily here, so I can’t make it tonight”. Continue reading